Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Private Universe Project-Workshop 1: Following Children's Ideas in Mathematics

This video was very interesting. I liked the fact that as a grad student I was given the opportunity to do the same project in class and then watch a video of younger students doing the same thing. I was able to reflect and see how they thought or what approaches they took compared to mine. I also enjoyed the level of effort the students put into these projects. As an adult I often can have the easy way out, which is giving up but these students even tried when school was over. I can also relate to the students who forgot certain math lessons in certain grades and how the effective teachers and lessons they presented always stand with me. It also really made you see how kids are capable of thinking in complex ways and how they have to be given the opportunity to do so. When you give your students the chance to show you what they can do you will be shocked as to what they come up with. Whenever I plan a lesson, I will always try to give my students the opportunity to strengthen their mathematics problem solving skills. I believe that students learn best from hands on activities which will allow them to begin to think mathematically.

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