Saturday, February 6, 2010

Private Universe Project-Workshop 2: Are you Convinced?

I am a perfect example of someone not being able to justify how they solved a problem. Many times I can solve the problem but I cannot put into words the mathematical reasoning behind it. This video made me realize the importance of giving an explanation for the answer and knowing if I am sure that I have the final correct answer. As a teacher I often expect my students to do so but never realizing that it is something I struggle with myself. I really enjoyed the way each teacher went about solving the towers. I was able to compare it to how we did it in class on Monday and how each of us had a different way of trying to solve it. It is also interesting to see that students were able to figure out the patterns and were more likely to respond to how they got their answers. They were even able to continue using more and disks for their towers. I learned that it is important to challenge children and ask them after solving anything if they are sure they are correct? I think that will make them double check their work and will allow them to think with reasoning.

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